Taking long trips can be tiring because when you’re not busy sightseeing, the actual travelling can sap your energy due to its repetitiveness. However, driving while you’re tired is dangerous – especially when you’re driving a minibus. Firstly, you’d be putting many lives at risk, as well as risking harming others on the road. Secondly, if you’ve rented a minibus, you don’t want the hassle of dealing with the rental company in the aftermath of even a minor road accident. Here are some tips on how to stay awake and alert while driving a minibus rental.
Plan Your Trips Ahead
During the planning stages of the trip, make sure that you factor in enough time for rest in between each leg of the journey. Ensure that the itinerary isn’t rushed because you don’t want to make mistakes, leave something behind, or have an accident because you’re tired. Allow for plenty of time to rest and eat, avoid alcohol, and ensure that your phone won’t be a distraction.
Know The Signs Of Fatigue
When you’ve been driving for a while, it’s understandable to be more focused on reaching your destination than on getting enough rest. When you’re close by, you don’t want to pull over when you’re so close. That’s why it’s essential to know the signs of road fatigue. If you become distracted, drift in and out of lanes or are constantly yawning, you should take a break. A good practice is to have another driver ready to take over when you get tired.
Keep A Window Open
A flow of fresh air hitting your face is an excellent way to stay alert when you’re tired. Stale, warm air is unhealthy to breathe in for long periods, and when your brain is deprived of oxygen, you’ll start yawning. Drive with the window open or with the air conditioning running, to keep you alert and awake while driving.
Take Frequent Breaks
Taking frequent breaks won’t set you back on your itinerary, especially if you accommodate time for them. If you’re feeling the signs of road fatigue after more than two hours of driving, it’s recommended that you pull over, stretch your legs, or have something light to eat at a rest stop. If you’re struggling to keep your eyes open, you should pull over and nap for 15-45 minutes.
These tips only work as short-term solutions. You’ll still need to factor in time to rest properly every night so that you’re feeling refreshed the next day when you hit the road again. Remember, road fatigue is dangerous for everyone, so it’s crucial that you’re aware of the signs when you get tired. Make sure you follow these tips and have good company to keep your mind stimulated.