
Moving House In Auckland? Truck Rental Hire

Rental trucks in Auckland are in high demand, and the busiest ones are without a doubt the small car-licence furniture types. These are a swiss army knife among vehicles, a versatile tool that is the smart solution to a broad range of challenges. Here’s how a truck rental might be your solution!

Moving House In Auckland?

An obvious one, as these rental trucks are built for exactly this purpose. By renting a furniture truck you won’t have to depend on unreliable third parties to get the job done, you can stay on schedule and in control of every cost. Using a rental truck for a local move could save hundreds, but if you’re moving out of Auckland the savings from not using a furniture removal service could be much more.

The Helper

Even if you prefer (or need) to let the professionals shift your furniture, they are often not interested in packing the odds and ends you may have accumulated in sheds, gardens and garages. A smaller rental truck is ideal for cleaning out a workshop, transporting pot plants, taking rubbish to the recycle centre, or donating surplus items to family or charity.

The Storage Unit Shuttle

Renting storage space? If your house is on the market, or just overflowing, renting a storage unit is a popular solution in Auckland. Shuffle boxes and furniture back and forth as you need them with a quick, convenient truck rental.

Bought, Begged, or Borrowed?

Larger items sold through auction sites are usually “pick up only”, and retail stores that offer deliveries may have a waiting list that doesn’t appeal. Although trailers are handy for some jobs, it’s hard to beat a rental truck when you need a weather-proof, secure, easy to manoeuvre option, especially ones that come with handy options like hydraulic lifts, hand trollies, furniture blankets and straps to protect your precious cargo.

You Have A Truck, It Doesn’t Work

Maybe your company delivery vehicle is off the road for servicing, or worse – a more major repair. Don’t turn away business that you may never get back, simply grab a rental truck and it’s business as usual!

You Don’t Have A Truck, But Are Thinking About It

Maybe your business is thinking of offering deliveries as added value for your customers in Auckland’s cutthroat market. Test the waters without making a huge financial commitment by hiring a rental truck as needed. Special discounts usually apply to longer hires, too.

The Mobile Port-A-Com

At a trade fair, construction site, or anywhere within extension cord reach of a power supply, a truck rental can provide a dry, secure work space or pop-up store. And unlike the traditional work-site caravan, they can be shifted easily, and of course collect supplies when you’re low on stock.

Temporary Storage

Having guests for the weekend? Having an open home or property inspection? Book a truck rental for a couple of days and store the untidy realities of your life out of sight!
What do you need a truck rental for? Choose from our range!

Auckland Vehicle Rentals Specialties